terça-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2010

The Cap and Trade Con Exposed - It's your money they want - It's a "Tax" for Goldman Sachs

Bill O'Reilly has finally begun to expose this Cap and Trade fraud that will tax the average American family up to $3,000 a year when all of the extra cost involved is added up; it will tax your very existence, while those at Goldman Sachs live it up with the money that you and your family pay in extra energy costs. This will be the ultimate looting of the American people, and you'll have the democrats to thank.

Not only will you have to pay these high energy prices and increased product costs, you may lose your job as an added bonus. But wait, there's more! This cap and trade law will not even accomplish its goal of lowering total carbon emissions because China, India, Mexico, etc, have all said to Obama, screw you, we're not going to do it; we want our economies to get bigger, not shrink like yours is going to do. So let me see, we're going to pay higher energy prices, lose jobs, and for what, to make some fat cats at Goldman Sachs rich? We are about to be hosed.

"You know, when I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, uh, you know — Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad. Because Im capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, you know, natural gas, you name it — whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, uh, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers."
—Barack Obama, January 2008

Cap-and-Trade is a job killer

I've had a family member remind me that one study of the Cap-and-Trade bill that passed in the House of Representatives recently claimed that the average family of four would see only a modest $300 per year increase in their energy bills. More than a few people have used this as a sign that the bill will not impact the economy heavily.
Sadly, the damage from Cap-and-Trade is not going to be from its direct impact. The bill in any form will quickly prove to be a job killer as the regulations and costs it imposes on manufacturing and logistics drives businesses to move operations out of the country.
There are too many elements of this to list them all, but there are three that generate the largest push for companies to move their operations. The first is the fact that as the cost of energy increases due to the effects of Cap-and-Trade, the competitive advantage a nation such as China, which has refused to participate in any carbon reduction treaties, has against US based manufacturers grows. This is obvious, but its not just the direct energy costs that come into play. Energy availability also becomes a factor as companies planning large expansions of factories must consider if the local power supply is sufficient. Right now Austin, Texas, which created a major program to sell wind-derived electricity through the local utility company, has discovered that the inability of the wind-farms to ramp up production to meet the growing need of customers has increased the cost of the green energy enough to make it uncompetitive in the local market. This was noted in an article published at the statesman.com website, which noted:
The reason is that GreenChoice prices have risen more than fivefold since the program started. GreenChoice now would add about $58 a month to the electricity bill of an average home.
Businesses need to be able to control their costs and plan for profitability. The massive disruption of the energy production market that Cap-and-Trade would cause is not going to be welcomed by companies needing cost certainty. For many manufacturers moving operations to China or India, which will have no carbon controls and therefore less expensive and more abundant energy is not a difficult choice.....

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